How to do animations with sprite indexes:
- Take an image with animations, for example:
this.iLoader.addImage("image_key", "./fireball32x16.png");
- Then create an 16x16 DrawImageObject with the same key:
const posX = 100;
const posY = 200;
const imageW = 16;
const imageH = 16;
this.fireball = this.draw.image(posX, posY, imageW, imageH, "image_key");
- Then add an animation event:
this.fireball.addAnimation("startAnimation", [0,1,2,3], isLoop = false, cyclesPerFrame = 1);
- And start it, emitting the event:
This will run through the image indexes 0,1,2,3 on next render cycles.
- Adding 3d parameter as true will loop animation indexes:
this.fireball.addAnimation("startAnimation", [0,1,2,3], true);
until stopRepeatedAnimation() will be called, or object will be destroyed.
- 4th parameter determines how many cycles will each frame shown
The default value is 1, if you want to make animation slower increase the value:
this.fireball.addAnimation("startAnimation", [0,1,2,3], true, 5);
Live example
See the Pen Untitled by Arturas-Alfredas Lapinskas (@yaalfred) on CodePen.