Tutorial: How create animations

How create animations

How to do animations with sprite indexes:

  1. Take an image with animations, for example:


  1. Add and load it to the project:
this.iLoader.addImage("image_key", "./fireball32x16.png");
  1. Then create an 16x16 DrawImageObject with the same key:
const posX = 100;
const posY = 200;
const imageW = 16;
const imageH = 16;

this.fireball = this.draw.image(posX, posY, imageW, imageH, "image_key");
  1. Then add an animation event:
this.fireball.addAnimation("startAnimation", [0,1,2,3], isLoop = false, cyclesPerFrame = 1);
  1. And start it, emitting the event:

This will run through the image indexes 0,1,2,3 on next render cycles.

  1. Adding 3d parameter as true will loop animation indexes:
this.fireball.addAnimation("startAnimation", [0,1,2,3], true);

until stopRepeatedAnimation() will be called, or object will be destroyed.

  1. 4th parameter determines how many cycles will each frame shown
    The default value is 1, if you want to make animation slower increase the value:
this.fireball.addAnimation("startAnimation", [0,1,2,3], true, 5);

Live example

See the Pen Untitled by Arturas-Alfredas Lapinskas (@yaalfred) on CodePen.