

Javascript Game Engine

This engine was designed to work with maps from Tiled editor.


  • Fresh codebase, depends on latest javascript features such as classes and privacy.
  • Strict OPP structure, no circle dependencies.
  • Modular structure.
  • Webgl 1 under the hood, wide browser support and fast rendering on desktop and mobile screens.
  • Flexible multilayer design. Webgl blend effects.
  • Spine 2d skeletal animation runtimes integrated.

What you can do with it:

  1. Draw primitives, texts, load images, audio and tilemaps with tilesets from Tiled editor.
  2. Render everything in a sequence.
  3. Images can be animated, switching their frames.
  4. Tiles can be rendered as layers on top of each other using webgl blend effects.
  5. Map centering. Cutting off everything out off screen.
  6. Boundaries could be extracted from tiles and used further.
  7. Map objects supports boundaries(dot, polygon).
  8. Collision detection for dots, lines, circles and polygons included.
  9. Boundaries helper drawing as debug option.

How to run examples:

  1. npm i
  2. npm start
  3. visit localhost:9000

API docs and tutorials: jsge.reslc.ru
Files: https://github.com/ALapinskas/jsge