Tutorial: Assets Manager

Assets Manager

The Assets Manager is an external module

It is used to load and hold game assets such as tilmaps(.tmg files), images and audio.
To attach data use in the GameStage.register():

register() {
    stage.iLoader.addAudio(key, url)
    stage.iLoader.addImage(key, url)
    stage.iLoader.addTileMap(key, url)

then call


after preloadAllData() promise is resolved,
the data will be available during the GameStage.init() and GameStage.start() stages

start() {
    const audio = stage.iLoader.getAudio(key)
    const image = stage.iLoader.getImage(key)
    const tilemap = stage.iLoader.getTileMap(key)

*be careful with loading tilemaps and attached tilesets and images, everything should be in the same folder or subfolder.

Alternatively, you can manage tileset loading separately by passing false as the third parameter to addTileMap, and then adding addTileSet() calls:

    stage.iLoader.addTileMap(key, url, false);
    stage.iLoader.addTileSet(key, url, gui1);
    stage.iLoader.addTileSet(key, url, gui2);

*It is better to register added audio files in the AudioInterface. See How to add and use audio


Starting from jsge@1.3.0, iLoader supports AtlasXML files:

register() {
    stage.iLoader.addAtlasXML(key, url);

start() {
    // part of xml: <SubTexture name="tankBody_blue.png" x="257" y="42" width="38" height="38"/>
    stage.draw.image(100, 300, 38, 38, "tankBody_blue");