To use Spine animations, you will need to enable the Spine module.
- Import the Spine module:
import SpineModuleInitialization from "../node_modules/jsge/modules/spine/dist/bundle.js";
- Install the module, passing the module key,
, and the spine assets folder:this.spineModule = this.iSystem.installModule( "spineModule", SpineModuleInitialization, "./spine/spine-assets");
- After installing the module(step 2), the iLoader will be expanded to include three new methods for loading Spine animation file:
register() { ... this.iLoader.addSpineJson("spine-text-key", "./spine-file.json"); this.iLoader.addSpineBinary("spine-binary-key", "./spine-file.skel"); this.iLoader.addSpineAtlas("spine-atlas", "./spine-file.atlas"); ...
- The GameStage.draw will have two new methods:
stage.draw.spine(x,y, spine-text-key | spine-binary-key, spine-atlas)
andstage.draw.texture(x, y, width, height, "texture-image-key")
:init() { const spineDrawObject = this.draw.spine(0, 0, "spine-text-key", "spine-atlas"); ...
- These objects should be added to the stage in the same way as other draw objects.
Spine specific methods will be available:spineDrawObject.scale(0.5); spineDrawObject.animationState.setAnimation(0, "run", true); spineDrawObject.setSkin("goblin");
- After that, Spine objects will be rendered.
Live example
See the Pen JsGE - Spine animations by Arturas-Alfredas Lapinskas (@yaalfred) on CodePen.