Tutorial: How to add and use audio

How to add and use audio

To add a file, use stage.iLoader.addAudio() in the GameStage.register():

register() {
    this.iLoader.addAudio("audio_key", "./audio.mp3");

Using AudioInterface:

The AudioInterface serves as a control center for all audio tracks.
The default AudioInterface is available via stage.audio.
You can add any other audio interfaces with:

this.music = new AudioInterface(this.iLoader);

How to use tracks with AudioInterface

  1. First, register the added and loaded audio file in the GameStage.init(), or GameStage.start():
  1. Then get the audio track:
const track = stage.audio.getAudio("audio_key");
  1. To play or pause the track, use:
  1. To loop the audio track, set the track.loop parameter to true:
const audioTrack = this.audio.getAudio("audio_key");
audioTrack.loop = true;
  1. If you want to take a copy of the track, use getAudioCloned():
  1. In order to control the volume,
    set audio.volume from 0 to 1(this will affect only on registered tracks):
this.audio.volume = 0.5;

Live Example

See the Pen JsGE - audio by Arturas-Alfredas Lapinskas (@yaalfred) on CodePen.