
Javascript Game Engine

This engine was designed to simplify creating games on javascript.
No external libraries are used for drawing, no TypeScript, and it is easy to use and debug.
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  • Fresh codebase that leverages the latest JavaScript features such as classes and privacy.
  • OPP modular structure.
  • Webgl 1 under the hood, ensuring wide browser support.
  • Webgl blend effects.
  • Tilemaps with tilesets support from Tiled editor.
  • Unlimited size tilesets. 800x800 cells, with 16x16 pixels [example] (https://codepen.io/yaalfred/pen/zYegGGb)
  • Frame animations for sprites and tiles.
  • Spine 2d skeletal animation as a plugin.
  • Collisions for tiles and objects.
  • Boundary drawing as a debug option. Boundaries draw

Tilemaps support:

  • Only JSON format (.tmj) is supported, not XML (.tmx)!
  • Animated tiles.
  • Tiles boundaries(dot/ellipse/polygon)

How to run examples:

  1. npm i
  2. npm start
  3. visit localhost:9000

API docs and tutorials: jsge.reslc.ru
github: https://github.com/ALapinskas/jsge
issues: https://github.com/ALapinskas/jsge/issues
npm: https://www.npmjs.com/package/jsge
Feedback and Questions: https://discord.com/channels/1246373335202398268